The best name of all time, anyone with it will have more influence on the world than Jesus. It can be a first name or last name, but is most powerful when its the first.
Hi Hughes, how are you doing?
by Yeahididitsowhat August 16, 2020
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An amazing person that will light up your day just by hearing his voice. This person will never let you down and will make you very happy if you ever have the chance to meet a Hughes hold on to him he is good. ☺️☺️
Hughes is Amazing
by Ahahha June 16, 2019
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Another word for Penis
based on the Harlem Renaissance writer Langston Hughes because Langston is pronounced like the german word "längsten" which actually means "longest"

so in english: Who got the longest HUGHES?
in german: Wer hat den längsten (Langston) HUGHES
"I have the biggest Hughes."
by Batman3107 February 23, 2017
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A person who over works and stresses over all forms of exams
My mate is a James Hughes he just doesn't get out enough
by Dog_penis December 6, 2022
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An unusually fluffy creature. Usually molds easily to surroundings; social and amiable. in general, kind of a big deal.
see: polar bear
also see: Balto (1995) directed by Simon Wells
where's the J. Hugh population around here?

I would try to find them in packs, unless it's too early. Then there nursing some rest in dens.
by Katrina Kewala February 4, 2010
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When, in the course of a devil's threeway, one man engages in anal sex with the woman while the other man vigorously licks both of her nipples.
"I hate how Max always gets the ass whenever we Caff Hughs-Zaner"
by Kevin Dangerous October 28, 2013
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