My favorite drink for watching cringey musicallys
Girl: OMG have you seen JACOB SARTORIUS new musically??
Me: My bleach bottle is empty. I'll buy another one, be right back!
by Bleach Drinker March 11, 2017
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Mmmhh, yummah :)
Yo, you like bleach?
by BrickleRicm January 4, 2022
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something you pour onto your eyes
i just looked up hen tie and now i want to pour bleach onto my eyes
by EU🅱️🅱️OUR April 16, 2022
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Slang for when a man fails a facial cumshot and ends up greying his partner's hair with his gooey whitey stuff.
"Oh my god Maria, Josh just bleached me!1!! He completely ruined perm!"
by RickTroll March 25, 2019
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Bleach, a word commonly used for another way of saying 'Spicy Milk'.
Man 1: Do you have any Bleach?

Man 2: You mean Spicy Milk? Sure I've got plenty!
by Cheese Superiority January 3, 2021
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Noun - If you hate talking to a person so much, that when you do you want to drink bleach.
Man Rachel is so annoying, she is definitely a bleach
by Therealburgers April 15, 2016
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