The confusion one feels when trying to decide whether to keep his or her blankets on or off. Typically experienced during the winter and summer seasons.
John: "Last night was awful man. I had the worst blanket confusion ever."
Jeff: "Sucks to suck!"
by gtg01 February 26, 2012
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Cheating on your boyfriend with 7 or more guys, all at about the same time.
Person 1: Did you really see 7 or more people at the same time without most of them knowing about it?
Katerino: I was very lost and confused...
by YaBoiDenden April 27, 2020
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A quote to be used when really confused. Just like a chameleon would be confused on what color to change into if it got stuck inside a Skittles bag, you are also confused as hell. You're a loser if you say something as simple as "I'm confused"
Sarah: 2 + 2 = 5

Alexis: I'm as confused as a chameleon stuck inside a Skittles bag
by Spencerrrrrrrrr008 February 18, 2022
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Guys are random snapping girls, and starts to worry about everything and every time. SIMP
Don’t confuse the girls month it’s basic, just tell her why you are snapping her and why you are worried.
by Ella_th0 October 20, 2020
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When Tyler can't sort his life out so waits up until 3:25 when all his confusion goes for 1 hour
Fuck me sam my heads gone.
Wait up until confused nigga hours bro that'l sort ya
by Sort it ty September 25, 2017
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September 30,confusion day. This is the day where everything and everyone is confused about different topics.
Ted: Hey, what are we doing today?
Emily: I don't really know. Everything just feels so confusing today.
Felicia: Guys, everything is confusing cause today is Confusion Day!
Ted and Emily: Oh yeah that's right.
by felicia the hairy squid September 30, 2021
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One who follows facebook on twitter, has a facebook that says, "check my myspace", etc.
Girl 1: Did you see my facebook?
Girl 2: Oh yeah I totally followed it to your twitter.
Guy: What did the twitter say?
Girl 1: Check out my myspace!
Guy: You are one confused social user
by The guy who fu-[censor] June 10, 2011
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