its like some thing that people get mad at

do you like pudding

yeah i like pudding

pudding deez nuts in your mouth!
by naw is best April 26, 2022
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Typically used as a shitty comeback for when someone is losing an argument, it can also be countered with 'well i smashed your mom!' very typical 2010s slang.
tim:john you dont even know how much ive been in your girls dms, she sent me her nudes

john:well deez nuts have been in your girls dms

tim:but my girl is your girl, does that mean youre in her dms?

john:i smashed your mom
by Discord Luigi July 28, 2022
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Deez nuts are an exquisite combo of words. they can mean anything a jar of nuts or a handul of nuts or just stating out how much you love stuffing your mouth with nuts. This is truly a great combo of words
Deez nuts is an expression used to deliberately interrupt or divert a conversation. It is not a literal reference to testicles; )rather it is used figuratively to disrupt and show disrespect to whatever discussion is currently occurring.
by DeezzzbigNutzzz February 23, 2023
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Deez nuts
Deez nuts
by Hydramadness312 September 23, 2022
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A fruit consisting an edible shell and a kernel
Hey, what’s in this chocolate?

Deez nuts
by Eueueueueueeueueueu January 27, 2023
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The pinnacle of human comedy, millions of years of evolution, survival, building a community then a kingdom, then, being all over the world, conquering mount everest, flying to the moon, all of this resulted in one thing.
Deez nuts.
"Hey dude you wanna go hang out" - person
"Deez nuts" - other person
"You're going to a mental hospital" - person
"Deez nuts" - other person
by Hydramadness312 July 28, 2023
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to suck on deez nuts
person 1: bro you know sugon?
person 2: who tf is sugon?
person 1: sugon DEEZ NUTS!
by The Deez Nuts Guy February 21, 2022
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