When one is to go so crazy in any particular activity that there kernels are to fall out.
"That was fucking off cob dude"
by Westy Jesus March 24, 2017
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A upgrade plant in the tower defence game "Plants vs. Zombies" that requires two Kernel-pults in order to plant, plus it can be used to fire explosive corn cobs to deal colossal damage to zombies.
"I survived 30 flags worth with my Cob Cannon strategy."
by TestUser999 December 18, 2021
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A plant in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise which is an upgrade plant which requires 2 Kernel-pults to set down, but fires a huge explosive corncob at anywhere you target on the screen.
"I always love Cob Cannons because Survival Endless is super easy with this powerful plant!"
by Otheruser325 January 15, 2023
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Communicating Outside Boundaries.
LLC dedicated to people who communicate beyond internal line.
COB LLC made people who were once considered defective or a bit unrevolutionized pinnacle.
by BAYSEAK March 18, 2022
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When a female wants to have sex but your dick wont and can't get hard.
She wanted to fuck but I had dick cob
by Derpflapper July 18, 2017
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Someone who drives to slow, drives the speed limit when you’re in a hurry, or cuts you off just to make a turn.
I would have been here 5 minutes ago but a cob schnobbler was in my way.
by AriesSunflower August 5, 2023
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Nibbling along the shaft of a penis while performing oral sex, just like eating a big juicy piece of corn on the cob at a summer barbeque. Butter is of course always better while performing this act!
Me- I took this girl back to my place and she tried corn-cobbing me, but I had to push her off!
Friend- Why?
Me- cause that bitch had braces!
by BigDaddyC6969 December 2, 2020
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