Business speak for cluster fuck. When everything is a complete mess.
Congress, what a cluster situation.
by squeeezmosgirl January 7, 2014
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noun. A warrant service organized by a Kanuck which usually requires excessive amounts of time, numerous officers, and outside agencies. This occasionally results in an arrest after a prolonged time of sweet talking a wanted subject into custody. See also: Kanuckdrum or Kanucktrophe
"Im so glad I didn't get involved in that Cluster-Kanuck yesterday" - William
"Yea I would rather handle sector 2 calls all day than be involved in that hot mess" - Randy
by turd f3rgus0n March 1, 2018
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A collection of individuals walking to UEA from loft in Norwich.
Omg look at that minge cluster, they look like they’ve had a great night in loft
by Mingeyc October 29, 2023
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A group of men jerking off and making truffle butter
"Hey dude wanna be in a dick cluster "
"Yes totally dude but no homo"
by VGZIGGY December 12, 2015
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A dork-like nerd. A term to make fun of another person.
Wow, he is such a nerd cluster.
by Salsa03 April 9, 2022
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