A person of mixed Chinese and Indian heritage. This phrase was coined by curry wonton, Gerard Lee, who hails from the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Anya Ayoung-Chee is a curry wonton.
by curry wonton December 10, 2012
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the term wonton wonder is used to describe a spectacular metrosexual beast of chinese descent. whilst his homosexual tendencies are famous world-over, the jolly chinaman is still revered by his peers due to his exceptional knowledge and understanding of the scientific world. whilst the term can be used in a derogatory fashion i.e. 'fuck you wonton wonder you dirty chinaman, it is more commonly used to praise the elegant creature after a well received joke or witticism. whilst the wonton wonder may be a well-liked member of the group, his over zealous metrosexual tendencies may cause him to be on the receiving end of homophobic remarks
e.g. #1 (derogatory manner)
wonton wonder: hey guys wanna go buy some clothes and compare penises?

unfortunate acquaintance: dude, fuck.... wonton u metro

e.g. #2 (complementing)
wonton wonder: confucious say man who sit on toilet high on pot
acquaintance: HAHAHAHAH wonton u lej
by playa from the himalaya June 11, 2009
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When a gay guy shoves his balls and ball sack in another gay mans ass, a dirty wonton is what his sack looks like after he pulls them out.
Ex. If that fag keeps hitting on my boyfriend, I am gonna go smack his face with my dirty wonton.
by junglejoe111 April 17, 2010
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A wonton special is when two Asian men bang a woman (most often a basic white girl) in the butt using duck sauce as lube.
by MillyMay July 27, 2015
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when one takes out a woman's dirty tampon with their teeth and then shakes their head rapidly back and forth, leaving red "war paint" on his cheeks.
I ran out of facepaint, so i just chief wontoned a chick.
by CapnSnuggles September 2, 2006
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Will you take that basket out finally? It's spilling over with your snot wontons.
by Amazing AO October 19, 2005
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the word Wonton Sack is implying that you have very large Testicles and a small Dick. Referring to balls that weigh a ton (one-ton) sack.
Man 1 "Hey Regan Bro have you heard that chilli has a wonton sack"

Man 2 "fuck dude put that wonton away"
by Ceid O'Hara August 5, 2009
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