A videogame system released in late 2006 by Nintendo. It uses motion sensor technology and detects the movements of the wireles controller, also called the "wii-mote", and its attachment, the nunchuck.
The Wii was originally going to be called the nintendo dolphin, which was also the early name of the nintendo gamecube, but once again the name was over-ruled by the name "nintendo revolution." this name was also veto'd and the system recieved the name "wii" just weeks before its release in america. The wii comes with a game called "wii sports" which, like most wii games, has graphics only slightly better than that of the nintendo 64, which was released almost 10 years ago. The concept of the Wii will get you playing it non-stop for the first couple of days that you own it, but as soon as your wii-mote loses about half of its battery power, the whole system is fucked and the motion detector bar will be confused as to what you are attempting to do, and thereby go in every direction you are not trying to go. the only decent games for the wii are "avatar: the last airbender," which was dissapointing because it was so short, "metal slug anthology", "the legend of zelda: twilight princess", and "Sonic and the Secret Rings." these games prosper over all others due to the fact they are not a series of poor-graphic mini-games in a poor excuse for a storyline. if you are considering buying a wii and are over the age of 10, you should instead go down to the hardware store and buy a large, $50 hammer so you can knock some sense into yourself, and then buy a half-ounce of purple kush, drive down to crazy j's house, and roll yourself a couple of fatties, because marijuana is a much better investment then a nintendo wii.
ALSO, nintendo started changing the first syllable of just about every word in the english language to "wii"
"woah dude, i just drove my wii-tomobile to the wii-electronics store and wii-chased a nintendo wii, and while i was wii boxing my wii-mote slipped out of my hands and crashed wii-to my wii-levision screen, there was a huge wii-splosion and i had to call the fire wii-partment to come put out the wii-ferno that was wii-ing from my wii!"
by krevin April 22, 2007
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A repackaged Gamecube with motion controls. Formerly known as the Levorution
"When you a see Wii no gurafikusu, you say wow....NOT!"
-- Satoru Iwata

Wii would rike to pray
by Michael E. Jones April 28, 2007
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The terrible, terrible name given by nintendo to its console entry for the 7th generation.
I really want a Wii
My wii is white
I can even connect accessories to it for more functionality out of my wii
I play with my long, hard remote to control my wii
by Jamxd April 27, 2006
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Nintendo's new console previously known as "The Revolution." Nintendo has since decided the name "Revolution" has caught on a little too well, so they decided to throw a curve-ball. However, many gamers consider this to be a bad move by Nintendo, as it allows Microsoft and Sony to get a few RBI's (runs batted in), since everybody knows what an "Xbox" and a "Playstation" is, and nobody quite cares what "Wii" means.

The Wii strategy can be summed up here:

1) Underpowered in relation to the Xbox and Playstation game consoles, and only marginally faster than the GameCube. Nintendo hopes to rely on the same gimmicky "innovations" that made the DS every fanboy's wetdream.

2) The controller is based on the principles of the NES system's Zapper (light gun) technology, Nintendo hopes to market a whole new console full of the same rehashed shit they've always been feeding us. The "point and shoot" Zapper gun after all, was a huge success with duck hunt.

3) Nintendo has not had a good success rate with flooding their game systems with games, so once again they plan on having a service where you can buy and download old games from systems such as the NES, SNES, N64, and so on. This will help Nintendo trick gamers into thinking they're getting their money's worth. Afterall, it costs nothing to release a game for download, since you don't have to you know.. actually DEVELOP and PACKAGE the game.

4) Nintendo also picked the name "Wii" because they enjoy the pun associated with changing the word "We" in sentences, to "Wii". It makes them giggle. Examples below.
"Wii sounds like 'we,' which emphasizes that the console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii."

"Wii will put people more in touch with their games..."

"Wii will break down that wall that separates video game players from everybody else."

"Because, it's really not about you or me. It's about Wii."

"Wii will Wii will Rock you."

Real-world demonstration:
"Have you heard about THE REVOLUTION?"
- "It's called the Wii now dude..."
"What the fuck is a Wii"
- "It's Nintendo's new console"
"Whatever happened to the Revolution?"
by Somaro, O.G. Lex April 30, 2006
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The official name for nintendo's new Console, formerly known as the revolution.
Some fan boys went fucking ape shit when Nintendo's revolution was renamed to wii.
by woah man May 2, 2006
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Nintendo's new name for its 2006 Revolution project as of 4 28, 2006. The renaming of the project took many consumers by suprise. The Wii is supposed to transcend language barriers and be easy for anyone to pronounce. It has origins in the English "we" indicating that playing together will be central to the system. The "ii" has a similar sound to the "e" in English and puns on the plural of the first person singular nominative "I" in English by duplicating and thus pluralizing it, whereas "we" is the first person plural nominative case.
Wii really need to do something about this new name they came up with.
by Wii April 29, 2006
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Nintendo's next gen system, previously called the Nintendo Revolution. Officially pronounced as "we". Named April 27, 06.
wii..."W" "I" "I" WHY?!?!?!?
by Mike and Owen April 28, 2006
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