A phrase for when a woman uses a man for a quickie. Usually followed by her promptly leaving right after.
"Wham bam thank you, man. Damn...I really need to head home now and feed the dogs."
by Dr.reanimator April 9, 2022
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According to television host Stephen Colbert, Alexander Hamilton's signature dunk during his youth on what would become the U. S. Virgin Islands. Colbert implies that Hamilton's execution of this dunk over Aaron Burr led to the famous duel which cost Hamilton his life.
The Wham Bam Slamalam Federalist Papers Signing Jam was
the most unstoppable move in the OTCBA (Original Thirteen Colonies Basketball Association)
by Bizzle fo Shizzle May 15, 2006
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a phrase used in sports when one is confused about the situation.
wham bam what the fuck just happened?
by Anonymous July 27, 2003
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Wham bam, thank you gal!

As many related phrases, an expression used by witty guys (girls too, though!) to comment on
a one-night affair with a girl that clearly said did not want any serious commitment or drama issues after the sexual affair.
F (Frank) Z (Zachary)

Used between a conversation among friends, i.e. F(Frank) Z (Zachary);

F: -Hey Zach, how was your night at the pub?-
Z:-Good, I finally met a nice girl.-
F:-Ohh, good one!...did you leave her your phone number?-
Z:-Nah... it was a 'Wham bam, thank you gal!' thing.-
by crustavsky January 20, 2017
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if you want to prove a point or if you want to have a great comeback for a b*tch if you want to leave them speechless
if you want to be a boss ass b*tch then say wham bam thank u, next
b*tch friend: omg did u do this
b*tch friend: ok damn
by d4hlia February 28, 2019
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1. The act of having sex without even bothering to try to get the woman to orgasm. Usually lasts for about five seconds.

2. The act of having sex with a neophyte (someone new to something.
Without much knowledge pertaining to a subject) PERFECT

3. A one-night stan-d is where two people have a sexual encounter, where there is no expectation of establishing a romantic relationship
I went out last night hooked up with some guy and let me tell you "Wham bam thank you Stan".
by -unkown March 8, 2014
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