Keeping a person on the side as an alternative if original plan falls through.
If all else fails I've got so and so as a back-up plan, you know as a last resort.
by Mister please March 13, 2018
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in reference to being told something unbelievable or shocking, means to hold on and go back to what was just said; request to repeat and readdress a comment.
"Whoa. Back up the bus - what did you just say?"

"Hang on - back up the bus. You were doing WHAT last night?!"
by mypseudonym2012 September 26, 2011
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Your shoes that you keep in your locker at school just in the case of you having to poop in the stall and you don't want people to know its you by the look of your shoes .
I took a shit at school today, good thing I had my Back-up Shoes in my locker.
by Gimaf June 14, 2012
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someone you are friends with, but doesn't make the list(first cut, VIP, ect) for an activity, and then is called upon to fill in when a "Real friend" cannot be there
1)Hey did you enjoy the party?
Nah, i didn't know there was one.:(
Oh that's right, because you're a BACK-UP FRIEND! HAHA

2) Hey man, i can't make it tonight. Call Drew, you know he doesn't have any real friends.
Hey Drew wanna come to the party tonight?
by Tim Horlacher May 18, 2006
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A bitch to bring as back up to an event such as a concert, party, etc... basically any social event, as insurance for getting laid incase the social event isn't providing bitches that are bangable.
Awesome guy one: "dude! let's go see def leppard and hit on some milfs!"

Awesome guy two: "i'm down but we better bring some back up bitches incase they all turn out to be cracked out moms."
by thesean February 12, 2012
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A girl that is involved with another man, she is taken, off the market, unavailable.
John: Hey dude, check that bird out at the bar in the purple dress
Dan: Yer i know mate she is hot
John: I'll see if she wants a drink
Dan: Nahh mate shes a backed up woman (or just backed up)
John: For fucks sake!
by kanerockgod March 9, 2009
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A back up singer is just that, someone who is in the behind hte rest of the band providing additional vocals for the lead vocalist. Back up singers are genrally not the main players in the band thus the term "back up" singers. Not considered to be one of the key players. When and if the back up singers desides not to attend, the concert can techniqually go on without them. This being said, as a back up singer you should know your place and have full understanding that it is the experience that you will use in the future that is trully your reward. Many great singers started off as unpaid back up singers. Genrally getting only food and housing pervided for them. At most a nation wide touring band gives no more then 5% of the pay to Back up's. Not including sales percentages of merchandise. The two most important parts of a back up singers is the ability to hold a note, and the responsibility of bringing your own microphone. If you are unable to do so watch out behind you cause someone else will.
Back-up singer
BU-I want equal money as a member of the band.
BAND-but you can't even sing.
BU-I show up
BAND- yes but you can't even sing
by William Smithers July 14, 2008
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