1) A speed, or meth addict who has assumed the role of the drug, in other words, they lost their personality to the drug.
2) An ex- deadhead or hippie who has fried their brain and is now living in the small, paranoid world of warped memories of a mundane adolescence. They communicate by spreading urban legends as "amazing" inspirational stories that align with their perception of reality.
3) A stupid, spastic teen (or adult, but less common) that display ignorance and naivety with every action.
I was walking through the Haight the other day and was surrounded by tweakers.

I went to my high school reunion and the tweakers were still messed up in the head.
by stv October 6, 2004
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Mainly used in Philadelphia, A Tweaker is a female who gets around! A whore, smut, slut, hoe, or trick. "Tweak" can also be used in it's place, as well as "Tweaking"
Yo bul?

"Wassup with you bul?"

Shit!...whats up with Kaneisha and them?

"I don't know.....but I def heard her squad is some tweakers!"

Oh yea?.....they tweakin?

"That's What I Heard!"
by mickey futuristic February 19, 2010
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basically an hore or slut a female who has sex with many guys
yo you know dat girl down da street?

yea man she a whole tweaker
by dabullty December 9, 2009
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A people who uses the drug methamphetamine. A low life piece of shit. Someone who will steal from you in order to score meth. Zombie like
I was watching the video "tweakers" by skinny mumbles on YouTube.

The tweaker beater mafia is coming to town to get rid of our cities meth problem.
by DirtyGiggles February 28, 2012
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A low life piece of shit who feens hard for meth and other drugs and cant keep their shit together
"You see that guy over there?"
"Yeah! What's he doing with that air duster?"
"Idk think hes a tweaker"
by HelpFul Definitions November 9, 2015
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Your girl is a tweaker everyone bust her ass
by jkgggk September 16, 2009
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one who 'tweaks balls' as in one who uses the drug methamphetamine to get amped and then shakes around and talks non-stop.
I would have asked Mary to help me study for my test but she's such a tweaker --she couldn't sit still for more than 2 minutes so that's why I got a D+
by brandon December 4, 2002
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