When someone spazzes out on a keyboard or on there phone typing thingy.
OyIGr(dfoa&^obit*YDCHPYIGlu *pua&(wt :s8ODIG oPWT:*(OTD Is a good example of a keyboard seizure.
by SpooderManiac December 22, 2014
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When you appear to be having a seizure, but really is is just a very bad attempt at performing the butt-shaking phenomena 'twerking'.
person 1: oh my god, he's having a seizure.

person 2: don't worry it's just the seizure twerk.
by kurtbajs February 7, 2014
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a hormonal seizure is when a guy/girl is so sexy, it makes you shudder
Sam walked by and Suzelle went into a hormonal seizure
by mizmoss March 6, 2008
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When someone is having a ridiculous temper tantrum; acting a-fool. Someone who is trying to gain attention be being overly dramatic about something and in turn, is annoying to those around them. Someone who is a whiny-ass baby.
Joe was mad that his boss told him to do his job, so he had a massive brat seizure in front of his colleagues.
by Adulting Is Required December 9, 2016
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When a some kid in your class randomly twitches a part of his/her face, leading to a collection of ''o_o'' s, "Whoah''s and ''WTF''s. People, after exposure to the face seizure, find themselves asking: "Does that guy have tourette's?"
Person A: *GASP* Fabio just had a face seizure!
Person 2: o_o
Person %: Whoah
Old nigga: WTF
by Fabio Nig March 6, 2013
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When someone is typing as if they are having a seizure.
Tiffany: oMg, GuYs YoU wIlL nEvAr BeLiEvE wHaT hApPeNeD tO mE tOdAy!?!?!??!?!?!?!!

Russel: What's is wrong with you? Are you having a type seizure?
by bitchimmabamf. July 4, 2011
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A female orgasm, or the effect that overcomes a woman's ability to make rational decisions because she thinks someone else is hot.
She had a beaver seizure and I had to wash my sheets.

Everytime he walks in the room, she has beaver seizure and can't think properly.

OMG, she took her shirt off and I almost had a beaver seizure.
by Spankface April 18, 2018
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