When someone says they love you in a affectionate and dopey way
Bob - babes i lob you
Billyann - i lob you too
Bob - fo sho mofo
Billyann - skeenage
Bob - come we mash
Billyann - aight den
Bob - come we go my gash!
by HDM-bffe January 17, 2008
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To be very sunburnt.
Man, she got lobbed from sitting out in the sun for too long!
by hahalobbedbro April 4, 2018
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The favorite past time for kids at Herricks Middle School. Lobbing involves throwing multiple items such as paper balls.
This kid I didt't know asked me what throwing paperballs was called and I told him it was lobbing
by C Bone April 13, 2006
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Abbreviation: Lack of Boner. Made famous my comedian Jeff Dunham
Achmed was very sad that all he was getting for Christmas was lob
by Merkin December 31, 2009
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A combination of the two following meanings:
1. To throw an object with the intention for it to stay mid air for some time. To toss.
2. To love in an unconditional friendly manner.

This is a term that one only uses in the first person.
"I lob you over a fence!"
"I lob you like a midget into a fireplace!"
"I lob that show! I lob it like a bad rifle spinner."
"I lob you approximately 25 yards."
"I lob you like woah."
by funckyfrush November 28, 2007
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Girl:Wud (what u doing)
Boy: Lob
by _person_101_ August 9, 2016
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