1.A Marine that belongs to the very elite Force Recon.

2. A Marine that guards an American Embassy or the White House.
"Dude, do you have what it takes to become a Jedi?"
by gigantus March 11, 2006
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Jedi is cockney-rhyming slang meaning "Red Eye"

Red eye being one of the symptoms of being stoned/high/gurning/lean/under the influence.
You should of seen me the other night, smoked half an ounce, had a proper Jedi.
by S0LDIER. January 26, 2008
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adj. meaning an impressive acrobatic skill.
-Did you see that guy do a backflip?
-Yah it was so jedi!
by The Cat's Pyjamaz August 24, 2008
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Being extremly cool and leet.
by dazed September 25, 2003
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A description of a cool event, such as one that shows mad skillz.
Damn. That flip was Jedi.
by Sonny Minhas January 13, 2005
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1. A group, or "order" of individuals who can read minds, float things yadda yadda. who every one with not much of a life wishes they where.

2. Most brits, when pushed into saying what religion they are will say, jedi.
geeky kid - man those jedi knights are sooooo cool, i wanna be one (making pathetic lightsabre noises and waving an invisible sword)

Researcher - so sir, what religion are you?
Guy - erm, let me see.
Researcher - come on sir, its not a difficult question is it?
Guy - eeerrrmmm. Jedi?
by TuBsy February 17, 2005
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A loser who can't hold a match to a Sith Lord! Usualy ranting on about proffecies and what not.
Anakin was a Jedi before he woke up and smelled the bacon and became a Sith.
by Darth_`Eowyn September 10, 2006
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