lower demand=cheaper, higher demand=pricier, another bullshit excuse to get ripped off by the market. The US Economy is run by motherfucking retards.
Supply and Demand is why things nowadays cost too damn much.
by smektala ahmed May 31, 2015
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DAMN! Yall dont know nuthin. O.K.
A beauty supply is a store where people (usually females) go out and buy beauty supplys, see thats why its called a beauty supply!! :)(smile)! the "supply"s usually consist of hair products; such as hair gel (see pro-style gel, or scrunchies, or brushes, combs etc... Or you can even buy hair weaves for braids or regular full head weaves. Or you can buy make-up, nail polish, or almost any thing else you can think of. Some of them even sell clothing. (usually only the more urban ones, like ones in urban cities, like oakland, or atlanta, or places like that).
Girl 1: Ooh, girl where u buy dat hair at?

Girl 2: Oh, girl at the BEAUTY SUPPLY on 23st.,you know the one across the street form the nail shop.

Girl 1: Ooh, imma have ta go get me some, how much was it?

Girl 2: Only $10. & if u want ur hair braided, they got that kind of hair on sale for 2 for $5.

Girl 1: Ooh, 4-real, HEY!!, let me call my cousin ra ra and see if she could braid my hair!
by *mS.2o06* July 1, 2005
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The greatest band ever. Fuck *NSYNC. Fuck Bitchney Spears. Fuck R. Kelly. Fuck 50 Cent. Fuck all of those loser punk bands. THIS IS REAL MUSIC. If you refuse to listen to Air Supply because it isn't gothic mindrot or hateful metal rock, then you deserve to be castrated with a dull sword.
by VGerX2001 August 5, 2004
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when you seek to obtain alcohol/contraband that is to be sneaked inside an institution that prohibits its consumption. Can also refer to a series of runs undertaken to achieve the end rather than one singular run.
My friends and I are making a supply run for today's rendezvous
by zeeram April 26, 2022
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materials required for partyin. generally referred to as drugs,... alcohol is a drug.
got the party supplies?

fuck yeh, picked up a zip 'n a bottle of wolf
by Fish__ November 23, 2006
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hey man, I need to get this paper done, do you have any school supplies?
by Evalayn February 6, 2016
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A pink llama shaped pinata containing mats and ammo located in Fortnite. Which all defaults search and all pros smash with their pickaxe.

Synonym: Ammo box
Antonym: Chest, Supply drop
My 6 year old default squadmate: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG look at that I found a f*cking supply llama no lie
Some other ppl: destroys the llama and takes the loot.
Me: U lie
Me: *impulse him down a cliff*
by Olive Soose December 3, 2018
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