“Shut Up Yo©️” is a phrase licensed, distributed, created, and manufactured by the Jesus Ski Club™️. The Jesus Ski Club™️ is a club which was brought to life by Jesus himself, and they worship and adore him unconditionally. “Shut Up Yo©️” is a phrase to show your superiority over an individual and show them they must be quiet this very second. These three sacred words are only to be used by members of the Jesus Ski Club™️ and if these words are used by an average citizen, they will face the wrath of God.
by ArThUR is a god November 24, 2019
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When some dumbass (most likely on discord) gets angry over a definition on urban dictionary.
Dumbass: oh my god guys, this joke has gone to far, (shows random definition on urban dictionary that has nothing to do with the conversation).
Literally everybody Else: Bro shut yo fuckin crumbly lookin ass up
by KarlMarxishot December 26, 2022
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A phrase used when one of the homies is eating chips on the mic a little too loud and the rest of the party is fed up with him/her.
by HemiHusky81 July 7, 2022
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when u havin a bad day and some random person is talking to u abt random shit u don't even give two kharas abt
person 1 :hey did you know that jason and troy were making out today
person 2: shut yo bum ass up
by sniffxy August 27, 2023
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“you have shut yo say yo me you say it in my face
by A😚😚 November 19, 2022
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