Yo I gotta get to the bathroom quick I got me a case of the runs!
by Andrewsky March 5, 2003
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v. To steal or steal from; obtaining possession of content of someone elses belongings, without their permission and/or notice.
"Go ahead and leave your door unlocked. People gonna run yo house."

Person A: "Yo somebody last week went into my laundry bro! I cant find my joggers anywhere!"

Person B: "Damn, somebody ran yo shit, bruh."
by ___burners March 24, 2017
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A liquidy substance that comes out the butt.
i usually get the runs when i eat sour cream.

i got the runs yesterday.
by 84574895 January 20, 2009
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A slang used when you want someone to give something of there’s to you, often used by someone who is mugging another person
“Run ya shoes, run em, run them now bitch, now!” Or “nice hat , run it”
by Alpha B0y August 1, 2018
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PLENTY of definitions for this word, it can mean one of these:

1. To move quickly; sprint
2. A point in baseball
3. To 'own'
4. To steal
5. To race someone

there's plenty more, those are just a few.
1. Rick: I can run fast.
Bob: Really? I can too. I run the 40 yard dash in 4.7 seconds, what's your best time?

2. Mario: Well, the Tigers need 2 more runs to take the lead...

3. Shaun: Bitches, I run this town. Aint noone fucking with me!

4. Pete: Some asshole just ran my phone.
Jake: Yeah, that sucks. My phone got ran a couple of years ago.

5. Jordan: Hey Jesse, do you think that guy with the GTO will run you? He claims to be making over 500 to the rear wheels.
Jesse: I don't know if he will, I'll go ask him.
by Jordan Stevens July 26, 2009
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it is like a drive-by exept without a car and with rubber bands instead of guns. often preformed at schools as a way of getting revenge
person 1: you jacked my pen!
person 2: what you gonna do about it?
person 1: Ima do a run by at you locker!
person 2: OH GOD! Ok fine have it back!
persons 2&3: lol
by Bubba2x4 February 9, 2009
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take whatever you have and do with it what you want/can.
President: I can't really understand what this paper says and I need to give a speech in five minutes.

Richard Simmons: Just run with it.
by volatilewish March 20, 2008
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