A Pimp is a criminal who preys upon young girls, very often underage runaways. When a pimp spots such a girl, he will lay on the charm and sweet talk her long enough to get her alone. Then, he will often beat her, rape her, and get her hooked on hard drugs as a means of control; to make her believe she is utterly dependent on him. Then, the pimp will farm her out to “customers,” aka Johns for sex. If she gets pregnant, pimps usually force her to have an abortion. Most girls under the control of a pimp end up in prison if they’re lucky, or dead.
Man, why is the word “Pimp” used as if it’s a good thing?
Beats me, man. They take teenage girls who are rebelling against their daddy, and literally destroy their lives. Pimps are the lowest of the low.
by Hawks.Fan.12 February 24, 2020
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To go all out on in a fashion manner.
whoah that dude got himself all pimped out in the black and pink.
by Suggasugga October 17, 2004
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A man who beats up women and owns over a thousand sex slaves.
Jack: I know what a pimp is!
Billy: Okay then, Jack, tell me.
Jack: It's A man who beats up women and owns over a thousand sex slaves.
by Jack Skipper December 16, 2008
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one who brokers the sexual favors of women for profits
This little pimp went to the market. This little pimp went home. This little pimp sold five women. This little pimp sold none
by Bungalow Bill November 27, 2001
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Having pimp like qualities or traits. Up to the standards of a pimp.
That car has amazing pimpness.
by Tim Mears March 5, 2003
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1. someone who profits off the money prostitutes make from selling their bodies
2. to seek out hookers to make a profit off of them selling their bodies.
3. to hit on several different girls
4. a guy who has alot of girlfriends or has been with alot women.
5. something that is really cool.
1. he's my pimp and i'm his bitch.

2. some guys tried to pimp me for money the other night at the club.

3. "Where's Tony at?"
"he's probably off pimpin the ladies again looking for a new girlfriend"

4. "I prolly got like i don't know how many brothers and sisters out there"
"is your daddy a pimp"
"no, he's a hoe"

5. "man, check that out, it is so pimp!"
by Justine1985 October 13, 2008
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The people wearing the purple suits on street corners who use dirt poor women to get money. And later blowing it all on spinner's and gold lining for their three wheeled cycles.
Look at those pimps taking advantage of those homeless, middle aged women.
by LordDarik August 3, 2005
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