Used as an offensive term towards hispanics, makes fun of their pronounciation of the word "speak".
"I'm from the lovely island of Puerto Rico, I'm a spic. But you can never call me that, 'cause it's offensive."
by siescierto June 6, 2004
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a racial term used towards people from Latin decent. Could be used in a joke form as well. Overall means that they are "lazy" or "theives"

Could be used as added to words already formed (see example)
Enrique is a dumb spic for stealing those hubcaps


Hey, that joke was spictacular!
by Ant NYC June 22, 2005
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spic or S.P.I.C. is an acronym for Spanish , Puerto rican , Italian , Cuban .
It is used as a noun to refer to a Hispanic person.

It is also used as an adjective to describe a Hispanic person , persons or objects associated with Hispanics .
used as an adjective : That spic woman just used a food stamp card to pay for the groceries she is loading into her new Cadillac .
used as a noun plural : Those spics should have to learn English before they can become citizens or collect government assistance .

used to as an adjective to describe objects : That spic family only shops at the spic grocery store because they don't know any English.
by Big White Knight July 12, 2019
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Nowadays used to degrade a person of Latin-American descent. Originally a acronym for 'SPanish Italian Caucasian' used by Anglo-Saxons back in the day.
Then: Those Spics sure treat their Indians properly, cheerio!

Now: Fucking spics, all they care about are their lowriders.
by ihi August 18, 2005
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A highly offensive term referring to a Spanish-speaking person from Mexico, Central or South America, Spain.
1. What a spic! Dumping his girl just because christmas is coming.
2. What a spic! Dumping his girl just because it´s her birthday.
by Citric July 21, 2005
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An offensive term; ethnic slur. However, with most ethnic slurs, if you call each other this offensive term, it is deemed non-offensive. All these terms need to die.

To some it refers to the Spanish, Hispanic or Latino population in their area. i.e. CA and TX are more heavily populated with Mexicans than other groups that fall into the aforementioned categories, FL more populated with Cubans, NY more populated with Puerto Ricans.
Some people will use the offensive term SPIC when referring to any people of Spanish, Hispanic or Latino descent.
by Jansi September 19, 2015
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