A dirty, smelly, khashish-sniffing, ass-wiping,
The Turkish army came to my country during the night and slit the throtes of all the men, and exiled everyone until there was no rememberence of us, the Pontian Greeks.
by Greek Refugee November 2, 2005
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to say some thing dirty not neccercerily in a sex way
"ive got something realy turkish to tell you"
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A native of turkey that doesnt leave turkey i mean cmon whens the last time you saw a turkish person in USA. Someone that likes to hide in a country that is 53% gay which has gone down since 1978 by 4%(discovery ch).A turkish person is a mix of muslim,black,jewish.Is not good friends with their neigbors escpially Greece. Greece has been known to have many wars with Turkey.Turkish women are some of the ugliest people on earth(international magazine).Turkish are ranked second for smallest penis's next to china(Interesting facts of countries).
by Dasachooya June 8, 2006
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the worst of the worst, the most annoying human being, if it can even be called a human being. the most fucking ANNOYING THING THAT WILL NOT LET YOU LIVE A NORMAL LIFE AND FORCE YOU TO RAGEQUIT WHATEVER YOU MET IT IN, ONLINE. truly the worst fucking nigger imaginable, ruining everything it can find. WORSE THAN HITLER
person 1: "omg these turkish niggers are so fucking annoying what the fuck"
turk 1: "turk?"
turk 2: "TURKiSH"
turk 4: "TR?"
turk 5: "YES TR"
turk 6: "TR TURK"
turk 7: "YES ME iS TURK"
turk 8: "TURKiYE???"
person 1: *quietly leaves the chat*
by Random autist November 20, 2018
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When you are trying to play hoi4 without making any domestic equipment.
Guy 1: why is isp playing the Soviet union and using Afghanistan flintlocks?
Guy 2: he's gone full Turkish battleship.
by Mausermania May 17, 2018
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Something that sounds like it should be on Urban Dictionary
Turkish Battleship, kind of sounds like something that could be on Urban Dictionary
by SEPPUCR0W May 18, 2018
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