Despite the name, neocons are neither new nor conservative. Neocons favor globalization, upper-class tax cuts to bankrupt the government, taxing only earned income, teaching that masturbation can cause pregnancy, banning gay marriage, ruling the world, and election systems which don't have a paper trail. Don't try to converse with neocons; they take any sort of criticism as censorship, and will often resort Serdar Argic-style debate tactics.
Anyone you see on 24-hour news
by Xyzzy January 10, 2005
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A traitor. Neocons believe in forcibly seizing the livelihood of Americans, under threat of abduction and imprisonment by the IRS, and the transfer of said earnings to foreigners, for instance, residents of the fanatically Islamic anti-American terror-state of Iraq—a nation in which more than 85% of the general public supported 9/11.

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” –The Constitution

The Iraqi general public are enemies (and hate Americans so much they want us to die in a fire - polls show more than 85% of Iraqis supported the 9/11 attacks). Giving aid and comfort to enemies constitutes treason as clearly defined by the Constitution. Without exaggeration, neocons, that believe in theft of American livelihoods, and the subsequent spending of said earnings on elections, public services, building schools etc. for our enemies (the Iraqis), are traitors and should be executed as such.
Anyone that supported the Iraq invasion for reasons other than homeland security is a Neocon and an international communist traitor that ought to be dragged out into the street and shot in the head, and dumped far enough out-to-sea that his or her treasonous commie remains don’t wash-up on American shores in any recognizable form.
by frick1 March 29, 2010
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One who hasn't served, political hypocrite, draft dodger, One who votes to send other people's sons to war
Dick Cheney, neoconlebre never served his country but was well served by the war he created.
by TommyStub December 26, 2014
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A corporate socialist, or political atheist, who represents the interests of the richest 100 or so people in the world (aka Global Control of the masses). Neocons mostly pose as republicans. Neocons pretend to support good ideas like free markets and free people, but work tirelessly to promote corporate socialism and monopolism that control people. Big corporate $ supports neocons. That is why they win more elections than genuine conservatives (truecons). Modern day progressive "liberals" love to paint neocons as "extreme right wingers" to keep up their cover in the republican party to further corrupt it.
T.R. was the 1st neocon republican president, followed by all republican and democrat presidents thereafter, except Harding, Coolidge, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and somewhat Reagan.
by John Deigh February 28, 2011
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Initially coined as a derogatory term for liberals - primarily Jewish ones - who became conservatives, the term has evolved to include "national greatness" conservatives (those who favour an expansive, activist foreign policy, especially where promotion of democracy abroad is concerned, over the isolationist impulses of traditional conservatives).
Neocons include such figures as William Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Paul Wolfowitz.
by CD Harris February 12, 2006
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Check Websters. The term means a former Liberal who now epouses conservative views. Date: 1952
by September 23, 2003
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