Having a severe case of monkey butt. Can be caused by chaffing of the butt cheeks, diarrhea, eating too many buffalo wings, hemorrhoids,or anything else that can irritate the rump.
Dude, after drinking a bottle of hot sauce, eating two cans of habaneros, and using 80 grit sandpaper to as t.p., I have a severe case of red hot monkey butt...got any Tucks?
by Jeff Nordberg August 11, 2007
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The act of anal sex, with a partner that when finished throws the inevitable poop at hapless onlookers.
Man, you missed some freaky monkey butt love at the park; I almost got hit!!!!!
by The Sugar Shack October 10, 2011
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A Character in a television show, manga, anime, comic book, webcomic, etc. who constantly gets abused and never gets ahead in life. Played for comedy.
Waspinator is a Butt Monkey! He even says 'Why universe hates Waspinator?!'
by SSM12 September 28, 2012
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Someone who has an invisible, permanent "Kick Me" sign taped to their back.
They're the butt of almost any demeaning joke, they commonly have horrible luck, and a large amount of horrible things happen to them. Their existence is just to solely have horrible things happen to them. If anything positive happens to them, the person usually gets screwed over in the end.
Charlie Brown from Peanuts is probably the best example for a "Butt Monkey".
Bill Dauterive from King Of The Hill.
by Sadow July 24, 2013
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One who clings to the butt of another as a monkey clings to a tree, a butt-kisser.
I can't beleive you bought a birthday present for your boss, you are such a butt-monkey.
by Phantom004 August 22, 2005
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A Butt-Monkey is someone who worships another person. They laugh at all their jokes whether they're funny or not, they think they're great even when they're not and generally strive to spend as much time with that person as they can. The person the Butt-Monkeys follow is called a Butt-Monkey King or Queen.

by Anonymous February 28, 2003
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1. A general insult.
2. A sycophant, or "brown-noser."
3. Someone who is extremely irritating or annoying, a "pain in the ass."
1. God, you're such a butt monkey.
2. Jones is such a kiss-ass butt monkey.
3. Dammit! Would you stop being such a butt monkey and LEAVE ME ALONE?!
by Anonymous April 20, 2003
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