did you see that girl over thre, she look like such a maree
by mr octagonapus October 19, 2010
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A polite way to say lady parts. Like dick for a guy.
"Calm your mare, baby, you're not getting laid tonight."
by Manic Cat April 22, 2015
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mare....a female horse

mare....to have a shocker/nightmare

mare....a dirty slapper
"Is that horse a stallion?"
"No, she`s a mare"

"I let three goals in today, i had a proper mare of a game!"

"That Shirley Bagthwaite is a proper dirty mare!"
by Dr Fox May 8, 2007
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"Get your pare face on"

"Let's go mare"

"It's gonna be such a mare"
by lina.bina April 11, 2009
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A woman who meets at least three of the following five qualities:

1. Between the ages of 35 and 60
2. Is a lesbian
3. Is heavy set
4. Works in various service industries including postal worker, bank teller, plumber, firefighter, construction worker, and/or Wal-Mart greeter
5. Has a short, manly haircut

As a bonus way to identify a Mare, many Mares often enjoy enjoy eating at Ryan's buffet, or "the trough." They can also be spotted wearing sweatpants, plaid, moo moos, and wrangler jeans.

See also: Filly
Kid: "Hey Dad, did Sparky bite that old man who brings our mail again?"
Dad: "No son, that was just a Mare. Her hide is tougher than a thousand sheets of steel."
by caro mio March 1, 2009
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A funny but intimidating guy who loves everything but won't show it easily. Is hysterical and romantic on the other side.
That guy is a sexy Mare
by SaltyJuns March 25, 2019
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Pulling a 'Mare' means you are about to exit-scam.
'Hey! You pulled a Mare!'

'It is time to pull a Mare!'
'Pulling a Mare will not get us banned on our favorite Roblox site MC-market'
by Tinuy February 2, 2021
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