A great blonde man, tall, strong, smart,athletic, and charming. Perfect for a boyfriend;)
I need me a guy like Jeb
by ZZ3Pic June 5, 2018
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(verb) To steal, usurp. Inspired by the 'sledgehammer response' after Hurricane Wilma, in which Jeb Bush had supplies destined for Miami-Dade and Broward counties diverted.
"Hey! Someone jebbed my car!"

"Don't we all jeb office supplies once in a while?"
by VXO November 2, 2005
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We are going over to the gazeebo to rip ripperson jebs.
by Rip Ripperson January 4, 2011
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A 1~2 inch bump in the rectum a few inches in from the anus. Caused when one of several strains of bacteria usually present in santorum enters a small scar that resulted from fairly violent anal sex. An immune reaction causes the bump -- which can make anal sex even more unpleasant than usual.
Dave: "While I enjoy each manly pump -- would you please thrust more toward the left, so that you're hammering my jeb so much? It hurts like hell..."
Rick: "Sure, babe... By the way we're working up a good froth of santorum here!"
by manoverbored June 15, 2015
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Jebbed it

Used when you've screwed something up. Often used in the pool hall.
by yankee_doodle178 April 10, 2007
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Jeb is the most caring and genuine guy you’ll ever meet. He’s got a good sense of humor but can be very blunt. He’ll tell you what you need to hear and be there for you. You can always count on Jeb to come through for you. He’s always on time, always prepared, and always motivated. When he finds something he likes or wants he’ll get it. But he’s also not super outgoing. He keeps to himself unless he’s interested in what’s going on. You might have to work to get to know him. Jeb is fit and athletic. He plays a couple sports and excels in them. His overall personality is unique and you won’t find anyone else like him. Don’t pass up a Jeb.
Hey have you met Jeb?
No why?
He’s the most interesting guy I’ve ever met!
by Definition genius5735 December 6, 2018
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Someone's name when you can't remember it or if you don't know it.
"What's up Jeb?" "Oh, nothing Jeb. What about you?" "Nothing really. Hey, where's your friend Jeb?"
by wintermorningsunshines December 18, 2011
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