A photo editing technique which uses clever positioning of transparent circles in an opaque color layer to trick the mind into thinking a person in a photo is naked when they really aren't.
Dude, did you see that new photo of Emma Watson? The guy that did that is amazing at bubbling. She looks completely naked!
by 4Red September 2, 2010
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The Woodlands, Texas. A rich, populous, modern community north of houston. It's called the bubble for the extreme disregard of reality. Here, teenagers believe they can drink, smoke, and have sex with everyone, then get accepted into any college because their rich parents will pay for another wing. As soon as you leave the dense cover of trees, all you will see is pavement. Everyone who hears of the Woodlands immediately thinks of snobby rich kids.
Dean: Dude, I went to a party in the Bubble last night. Craziest shit you will ever see.

John: Seriously? Did you drink, smoke, and have sex?

Dean: So much, man. I freaking love the Woodlands. But I wouldn't want to live there, the people are a bunch of snobby rich kids.

John: True dat.
by white.noise May 15, 2010
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a females ass, preferably big
damn she got a bubble
by Jayo August 23, 2004
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A self sex act when man masturbates until he is on the edge of completion, but lodges an object of varying length and width into his urethra. From this point, he determines how long he wants his Bubble Session to be, and if he wants to do any Recharges during the Bubble Session. When he is done with his Bubble Session, he will remove the object from his urethra, creating the intended Bubbling effect.
"Hey, I think I'm going to try Bubbling, I'll be back in a couple hours!"
by SkippyJohnJones June 27, 2019
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(Adj.) To act Overly Happy or Perky. Usually in those who have Care Bear Blood. Also, the type of people who like to sing Showtunes who end up in Disney Movies.
Also, means Champagne.
My Girlfriend Melissa is too Bubbly today. This isn't friggin' Freaky Friday, Melissa! Snap back to Harsh, Cold Reality, dammit!
by G-Union August 14, 2003
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I drank some bubbly at my best friend's wedding...then I threw up on the bride.
by wb8723 October 5, 2005
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dude do you know where I can buy a bubble?

yeah on the smoke shop on 7th
by tweaker2011 January 12, 2011
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