A precursor to being intentionally rude.
I dont mean to be rude but you smell.
by menonot January 10, 2011
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I am not that sexuality. Mostly said as in I am not homosexual.
Man: Want to go out to dinner sometime?
Man: Sorry I dont swing that way, I'm straight.
Man: Oh ok, no problem.
by Santas Sexy Helper August 1, 2004
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Used to defeat any of those terrible imagine not doing (blank) or imagine being a (thing that u are like weeb or furry)
and if you use it you will win any arguement.
you have to stay strong with what your opinion is like if someone says imagine hating (insert content creator)
use that and you will win you will be so powerful!
Kpop stan: imagine hating kpop ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ’… couldnt be me smh
You:i dont have to imagine lmaooo.
After a while, NamJoon4life has not been responding to ur comeback. which means you won and you ratio'd her. congrats you absolute chad.๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘
by Lolorator360 November 13, 2021
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a shut down

said to someones face in a demeaning voice while cuting them off.

annoying little kid: hey how ya doi..

you :i dont like you.
by jelousy May 29, 2006
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THE most legit turm stating that you dont give a fuck about anything or anyone so rep your shit and get HIP
pesron 1: fuck i dropped my fone

person 2: i dont give a fuck (drops his fone on purpose) i got hella fones

by BAY area HUSTLERS September 6, 2006
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A response used to say you're not homosexual without just saying you're not gay/lesbian.
Lesbian: I confess my love to you! Please marry me!!!
Straight Girl: Uh, I'm flattered but I dont swing that way.
Lesbian: Noodles are straight until they're wet...
by Daviddv0601 August 6, 2019
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