A descriptive word used to describe anything soft and of fluffy
The blanket is very foofy.
by Harper6 July 15, 2023
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an over abundance of fluffy, feminine, texture and objects in a decorated room.

fluffy decor texture foofy
That room was decorated with so much foof.
by decorqueen August 13, 2012
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Foof is another word for a fart or fatulence. It is used in public as not many people know that you actually farted.. lol
by = )) June 13, 2008
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to blow on food
be careful that food is hot, better foof it!
by veepussu February 26, 2022
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1. when associating with the little bunny foofoo!
2. When a pillow needs to be fluffed many people use the term foof
1. that stupid foof song woot!
2. That large pink pillow with the poo stain on it needs a good foof
by vick-roy December 21, 2003
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The sound a zombie makes when it Queefs.
"Did you know zombies can queef?"
"Really? What did it sound like?"
-muffles my mini Thomas the tank engine-
by OGTurpitude June 15, 2018
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Example 1: Current mood - FOOF
Example 2: I haven't been in work for 10 minutes and I am already FOOF.
by instabitchy April 12, 2016
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