Having the characteristics of and/or acting like a total douchbag
The level of douchebaggery here is astonishing.
by OSUBoone February 10, 2011
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Shrewd efforts put forth by douchebags to undermine other men as a social utility.
In all of his douchebaggery, he becomes one.
by theGooge December 14, 2009
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ALL SHIRTLESS WONDERS SUFFER FROM DOUCHBAGGERY. Ironically, these shirtless wonders are the same guys ("Brah's", in their native tongue) who spend an absurd amount of $$$ on t-shirts - the term for mass possession of these sparkly, tattoo, and tribal print shirts is known as "DOUCHE-SWAGGERY".

An accurate way of identifying these Brahs is to know that they abide by the exact opposite set of laws that traditional vampires do:

As opposed to being unable to be exposed to sunlight, they actively seek out said sunlit environments. Because of this, you will not see a pale-skinned DB, but rather notice an brown-orange (termed "Bro-orange" by Crayola).

Also contradictory to vampire dogma, silver or a crucifix does not repel the DB's, as they do vampires. DB's will most often own and wear a silver crucifix, and in extreme cases will wear a silver crucifix overlapping a tattoo of a crucifix, whilst their arm is slung over their main bitch, stage name "Silver".

Also, churches, which provide a place of protection from vampires, hasn't been proven to repel DB's yet; although a DB has never been spotted in a house of God, to date. The best safe haven to run to for protection against DB's is the lower body/legs section of your local gym - DB's are known to avoid this area AT ALL COSTS.
The level of douchebaggery witnessed here tonight by all of the meat heads at the bar caused me to coin a new term; "Juice-bag".
by Brewlhp2 July 11, 2012
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Ah, she was the Daedric Price of Douchebaggery. In disguise!
by TheTrollinTroll March 22, 2015
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The act of being a douchebag.
Mike: Yo, did you hear that John stole Harry's girlfriend?
Trevor: Yeah, he's full of douchebaggery.
by Scumdiddily July 8, 2014
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The constant 3 acts of someone (usually male) that does 1. acts like they have a big you know what and doesn't, 2. thinks that God sent him personally down to the women of earth wrapped up with a bow and 3. Has no end to the selfishness
A thin veil of douchebaggery fools no one.
by Sando2 November 17, 2011
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