"Polite" slang for Cunt. Usefull when you want to use the word Cunt to describe someone, but the situation makes that a bad idea.
(at work on the phone) "Naw, I can't get out of work early today"

(person on the other end of the phone asks) "Why- your boss
won't let you?"

"Yeah, total C Note, that one."

by nino noonan June 14, 2006
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When the IBM PC was first designed, it had no sound card, so the 'audible bell' character (ascii BEL or '\b') had to be linked to a tone emitted by the internal PC speaker. The designers chose C, and so a square-wave c emitted by a PC speaker is called a c-note.

The audible bell is typically used for indicating particular types of error conditions -- for instance, using backspace at the beginning of a line. It is occasionally abused by BASIC programmers, because of the 'BEEP' command (which emits a c-note). Audible bell characters are also printed during the BIOS setup routines on some older machines.
"I must have hung my vim session -- every key I press gives me a c note."
by enki 2 April 20, 2010
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Blue C-Note is just a term that relates to the new $100 bill. If you look at one, they are faintly blue.
“See the bitches blinkin’, blue c-notes,

All of ‘em singin', blue c-notes” -2chainz
by DJScottyfyre October 29, 2017
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is a another term for 100 dollars and it could be called a b too.
yo i just robbed that nigga and all he had was a cnote man and it shot his ass plain and simple
by dat nigga March 31, 2005
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One-hundred fifty dollars. C stands for "centum" the Latin word for 100. Half means 50 as in half of 100. The word "note" actually come from the $100 bill it's self. Which reads, "This note is leagal tender for all debts, public and private."
You owe me a c note and a half for that shit i loand you
by Gunziii December 2, 2008
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To not-so-casually drop the reference that one attended Cornell University.

Idiom: to "flash someone a c-note" or to "flash a c-note."
Cf. H-bomb.
Did I tell you how I met my wife when we were both at Cornell?

Hey, you didn't have to flash your c-note like that!
by Rick Colosimo September 2, 2008
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