(inf. phrase) In reference to the bumming scene in the 1973 Bertolucci movie "Last Tango In Paris" and the popular 1990s TV commercials for the soft drink "Tango" - when you've just shot your creamy load up a bird's arse, this phrase makes the perfect accompaniment to a post-coital cigarette, all the more poignant if you have used butter or Tango as lube.
Me: Was that Cadbury canal cruise good for you too?
Bumslut: (crying) No! It was horrible and painful, and it's all sticky because of the cum, butter and Tango!
Me: Unlucky, bumslut - You've Been Tangoed!
by Terry Deary August 28, 2006
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slang for "you have been beaten", derived from the Silly Putty Sacks Fantasy Football Team.

a picture of a man suffering from Elephantitis is usually attached to the note.
to the owner of the Long Island Longhorns...."You've been Sacked"
by Righetti July 14, 2004
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The act of saying,"I know" when someone says I love you, as did Han Solo to Princess Leah. Also known as Solo'ing.
My Grandmother said, I love you and I looked straight in the eye and said, I know. Bam! You've been Solo'd!
by Shingy77 August 18, 2012
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Yes, you've just trolled yourself. Congrats. Or maybe this is the new Rickroll...


You've been trolled, yes, you've probably been told. "Don't reply to this guy, he's just trying to get a rise-OUT OF YOU!"

Yes, it's true! You respond, and that's his cue, to start trouble on the double, as he strokes his manly stubble...

You've been trolled, you've been trolled-and you should PROBABLY just fold! (For when the only winning move is not to play!)

Yet you keep on trying, mindlessly replying!

by ItsTheCartoonCat August 7, 2022
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relating to being on the receiving end of a "prolwer"
you've been served sucka
by barbo January 27, 2004
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It can't be true. New Jersey
Used when someone is really surprised at something. For instance, when the bartender explains that they ran out of beer on tap on St. Patrick's Day, the response would be, "You've got to be kidding me!!"
by Colleen Ann May 28, 2006
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