a gay furry that is the biggest cunt you'll ever meet that deserves to be castrated, mocked and hunted.
lets go kill Will Fielding.
by Will Fielding May 6, 2019
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Cute sweetheart. Short, blonde kid who goes to a rich charter school. Everyone falls in love with his cousins. Is rich and strong, and has a big heart. Deserves the best. Can come off as a tool, but he is genuine
Fielding what a guy
by hollaatme April 18, 2020
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Getting indirectly asked, in a carefully planned, roundabout way, whether one is homosexual, whether through intricate conversation or sending out friends as emmissaries.
The other day at Denny's, I saw a trucker get fielded by a scene kid.
by Luis Anderson January 4, 2008
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I was going down on this guy, and he was cumming in my mouth. I was fielding all over his floor.
by Richardo Sanchez May 3, 2008
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The area all around us that looks like air and space but is really a pool of energy filled with vibrational information emitted from and by all living things. The Divine Interface. The Flower of Life. The Force. The Matrix. God/Dess. Us.
We, the human species, would be so much more powerful if we acknowledged the field, Danced The New Dream, and realized we are ONE, instead of believing we are separate and that none of us are feeling the giant, pulsing, intense, transmission that is our collective vibrational output.
by Exploring Joy September 22, 2017
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Space that has been modified, often by electricity, magnetism, gravity etc.
The magnetic field was so strong, it ripped the buttons off her Levi's.

Field-Effect Transistor (FET).
by nit-pick February 9, 2004
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