When a pussy as bitch let’s anyone run over her including fucking Olaf
Amaya is so weak she let stephanie, STEPHANIE out of all people talk mess about her
by Saddestblossomm December 24, 2019
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An individual that lacks physical or mental power and will.
E.g. 1

Yani: Roman can barely squat anything
Léo: yea I know he's so weak

E.g. 2
Yani: did you see that mehdi got a bad grade in math
Léo: yea he's so weak
by Too much love March 12, 2018
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being really bad at something
or doing something wrong
by louie March 9, 2005
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a term used to describe someone who has a drinking problem, usually alcoholics.
The Irish are known for having the weakness.
by S. Z. December 28, 2006
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a) To not be strong. To be flimsy, breakable, delicate, broken easily.

b)To be pressured by others easily. "Go on CHANGE" "Ok sure... i mean its just my IDENTITY im sacrificing.. no worries"

"The way he just traded in everything he was just to be accepted by those freaks - God he is weak!"

"Oh My Lord, did you just SEE that just now? He cant even bench press a small weight? He is SO weak"
by Cool-Hot-Nice October 4, 2006
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To be weak can mean that someone is acting annoying, dumb, funny, or simple minded depending on the situation. The word can also be used in an event where someone has been caught in the act of doing something incredibly embarassing.
" This dude is lookin real weak right about now. "

- James Broady Jr.
by Jerrard V. Broady February 9, 2009
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This web site is really weak.
by Anders the goat-brained June 17, 2003
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