A person with a penis that is wider than it is long
I hear Johnny is a tuna can sam!
by b-dog123 November 3, 2009
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when a man inserts his penis into a tuna can and if his shaft touch the side and not the bottom then the man has a chode.
Man Sudhakar, you got a big dick. You should take the tuna can test homie.
by dolphin_mother April 17, 2017
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Description applied to a penis when it is wider than it is long (often used where it is implied that girth trumps length in ability to please a woman).
I may not have the longest dick in the world, but I'm thick like a tuna can.
by Plebescite September 4, 2003
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tuna can--the size penis zacky poo poo wishes he had and zacky poo poo the name we gave him because we love him
Zacky poo poo tuna can keeps tryin to flash his tuna can but no one ever remembers there microscope :) love you zacky poo poo
by luciouslalah September 23, 2010
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Someone who just got released from a job or duty. Typically, because they were unfit for the role or lazy.
Harmer was tuna canned from sales. His new nickname, ergo “tuna can”.
by User 2000 January 12, 2021
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