a fantasy prone adult of either sex with a penchant for drama, role playing, fantasy literature and "occultism" who, much to the amusement of onlookers, combines all of the above into a delusional world-view in which he or she plays a starring role.
The origins of the word "weeble" are obscure, but most likely have something to do with the similarity in body shape between these people and the children's toy of the same name.
1) Have you ever noticed how the fatter and uglier a weeble is, the more powerful he claims to be on the 'astral plane'?
2) Did you hear about that weeble who shot himself after his 'Dungeons and Dragons' character died?
3) Vampires are supposed to be skinny, but that gothic weeble at the club with those fake fangs had so much fat hanging off of her that I thought she was smuggling hams under her shirt.
by Steve Bricault November 9, 2007
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1)the weeble called weebl who befriends another weeble called bob. lover of all things pie and donkey. doesn't like wee bull.
2)my CoD name :D :D
weebl: lo bob
bob: lo
by [WFT]Weebl June 30, 2004
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Midget folk that work in the circus or other shady industries such as extras in movies, screwing on toothpaste caps, or fluffers.
Watch out Sylvie, there are a whole group of weebles heading our way!
by GimmyRosh January 30, 2007
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a fantasy prone adult of either sex with a penchant for drama, role playing, fantasy literature and "occultism" who, much to the amusement of onlookers, combines all of the above into a delusional world-view in which he or she plays a starring role.
The origins of the word "weeble" are obscure, but most likely have something to do with the similarity in body shape between these people and the children's toy of the same name.
1) Have you ever noticed how the fatter and uglier a weeble is, the more powerful he claims to be on the 'astral plane'?
2) Did you hear about that weeble who shot himself after his 'Dungeons and Dragons' character died?
3) Vampires are supposed to be skinny, but that gothic weeble at the club with those fake fangs had so much fat hanging off of her that I thought she was smuggling hams under her shirt.
by Steve Bricault October 8, 2007
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A very small dildo, comes in a rainbow of colors.
Girl: Uh, no..
by Cookie Monster March 26, 2005
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1. A expression of feeling intense emotional weakness, usually expressed in IM Session
John: Hi dear, how are you?
Sue: I'm preggers
John: *Weeble*
by srilyk September 14, 2009
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A penis with a head only no shaft.
"Say Tom did you see Matt in the shower this morning he has a weeble."
by Butt Bandit November 3, 2007
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