You can’t keep them from me forever janet they’re my kids too
by Shrekfangirl_123 January 21, 2019
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Term for the secretive airline owned by EG&G on the northwest side of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas. "Janet" airlines is a fleet of 737-200's that shuttle workers to and from the military instillation at Groom Lake, more commonly known as area-51. The airplanes are stationed at a guarded terminal at the airport. It is rumored that 'Janet' stands for "just another non-exsistent terminal".
Janet airlines is the basic mode of transportation for area-51 workers to travel to and from the base.
by Mr. Tibbs June 29, 2005
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switching the first letters of two words to make it sound really funky
lets eat at baco tell (taco bell)
I would like some nicken chuggets (chicken nuggets)
by curd January 24, 2003
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a woman who might think about murdering you if you break up with her or annoy her.

She's aggressive and extremely weird, but her friends still love her.
Janet: jkgdhjsbvhjdsv

Her friend: What are you, a gremlin?

Janet: *stares blankly* yes.
by yourmomsgay358 April 24, 2023
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A Janet is a database of all the information in the world (which is being updated every second) put together into one robot shaped like a person. A (Good Place) Janet is designed to serve the people of The Good Place and can summon anything. Whenever a Janet gets rebooted, she gets more and more advanced. If rebooted enough times, Janet's can began to experience feelings, like friendship and love.
A Janet is used to serve people. A Good Place Janet is designed to serve the people of the good place. A Bad Place Janet is designed to insult the demons of the Bad Place
by JustARandoGirl December 30, 2020
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Janet is the most annoying and meanest person known to man and will go out of her way to make other's feel bad also known as the devil's wife
That lady is such a Janet
by Smart guy101 October 1, 2016
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A disease which makes your spelling worse when typing, making your texts harder to read.
OMG, your janetism got so much worse after getting that new phone case!
by The Founder of Janetism November 1, 2015
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