The problem of "sailing blind" caused by non-illuminated controls on the radar-scopes of large vessels.
The Andrea Doria's sinking was a classic example of Stockholm Syndrome --- if the Stockholm had been equipped with lighted instrument-panels, its collision with the Andrea Doria would probably never happened.
by QuacksO May 5, 2018
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Like Stockholm Syndrome, but more affordable to the UK taxpayer.

Cost to the State further reduced by the confirmed presence of Legionella. All being well the same ought to reduce (in the most permanent way) those suffering with Bobby Stockholm Syndrome by c. 10%.
Prime Minister: ‘How can we sell Bibby Stockholm Syndrome to the base?’

Home Secretary: ‘Simple! Unlike that woke nonsense “Stockholm Syndrome”, Bibby Stockholm Syndrome has a 10% chance of resulting in the genuine death of the captive!’

Prime Minister: ‘You’ve done it again!’
by PsyduckPsays August 15, 2023
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It is when a person understands that the government and politicians are corrupt, but will not go down the rabbit hole because it shatters the paradigm they live in. In other words, when having a conversation about politics, they will readily agree that politicians lie, but when you begin breaking it down for them about how corrupt they actually are and point out any nefarious agendas, they will then call you crazy, or a conspiracy theorist. At this point, they will defend those who imprison them with the lies they accept as the truth.
Tom is a good guy, but he refuses to accept that there is no possible way a missile could have hit the pentagon. He refuses to use common sense to see that the engines and wings would have also destroyed the building, and not just leave a single hole. He truly has Political Stockholm Syndrome.

Most people in this country have PSS, they refuse to see the truth before their eyes.
by C.Fooch December 26, 2015
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when u initially think a clothing trend is abhorrent, but after being around it enough u start wearing it.
I used to think skinny jeans made a man into a hipster douchebag or a tranny, but after seeing them for months on people around me I am suffering from fashion stockholm syndrome & I am wearing them too.
by seattle is superior April 15, 2011
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The behavior and attitudes exhibited by victims of financial subjugation, causing then to identify with and even defend their oppressors.
Q: Hey, what's up with Matt? His Dad is on social security, his mom got laid off, his sister's kids get free school lunches, he collects federal financial aid for college, and he only makes minimum wage working at Walmarts. Yet he keeps talking about how we need to cut taxes for the wealthy and quit spending so much on social programs.
A: Yeah, he thinks he's going to be a millionaire soon. He's got Economic Stockholm Syndrome.
by Woody Rollins August 23, 2011
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When an annoying song gets stuck in your head so much that you begin to like it.
"Oh my god, that Bieber song has been stuck in my head all week. I think I actually like it. "

"Nah dude, that's just musical Stockholm Syndrome."
by Shelly Traylor Boat April 20, 2016
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Going back to your place of work constantly when you're not working. Typical and most common in supermarket employees. Even though you hate your job, you love your place of work and go there all the time when you're off from work because its so much better, and if its a store you can freely buy things. Relatable to actual Stockholm Syndrome, when someone who is kidnapped gains pitty/respect for their captor.
Though the cashier hates his job at the supermarket, he constantly goes there when he's not working because of his severe case of Workplace Stockholm Syndrome.
by TheFiend138 April 28, 2015
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