the art of sticking ones foot up the anus as far as it may go.
joel was such a charmer that he convinced two girls into a rousing night of slippering, thereby cleaning his floor.
by spazzy mchotpants February 15, 2005
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An older slapper. Sometimes used to refer to the mother of a slapper. An older woman, usually tartily or trashily made-up and/or dressed, who gives the impression of, or has the reputation for, being free with her sexual favours.
(Reference: Probably refers to the footwear favoured by older people, particularly. Comment / interpretation: Perhaps she has hung up her highheels / white stilletoes and now goes for easy to wear, comfortable bedroom slippers? Thus, )
Kayleigh is a right slapper, but whatd'you expect with a mum who's a slipper?
by Gladys Pipps-Knightley May 14, 2007
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A perfectly tapered stool that quickly and cleanly exits the sphincter leaving little to no residue.

Antonym: Sticker
Scott dropped a slipper and was back on the road in record time.
by Bidet Mate July 28, 2016
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When spoken by a Cornishman/Southwesterner, often means dirty, unkempt or smelly.
e's a slipper bugger, in'e?
by Dragys02 June 1, 2007
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When a poop slips out of your butt when you aren't expecting it. Usually at the bar.
I was chilling at the pub all relaxed when I smelled something bad. I went to the can and realized I had a slipper. Damn, I had to throw away my drawers.
by MontanaStankAss June 12, 2012
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A bitch, cunt, slut, whatever you want to call them. anything with a vagine that bitches too much or is ugly as hell is a slipper.
oi check out that cheeky cunt over there
yeah shes a real slipper aint she
shit shes so much of a slipper spreading her legs is on her agenda 24/7

by Novelty4lifeM8 March 10, 2009
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