A wise man once said "Just Do It", but wise men don't worry about the little things..

Synonymous with the Aussie saying "She'll Buff" or "She'll be right", this name signifies true Stoicism when used in scenarios of great mishap.
Tom: "Barry! you dinted my Toyota Prius.. fix it now!"
Barry: "Shia LaBeouf!"
Tom: "fine, I'll just do it myself." *thanos click*
by Rewdzi April 22, 2022
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When you thought Shia Lebeouf was dead but he is actually still alive.
Person 1 “Dude, I thought Shia Lebeouf was dead, but he isn’t! What a Shia Suprise!”
Person 2 “No way!!”
by thehamwithcheese March 15, 2019
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Noun: Someone Resembling the douchy qualities of Shia LeBouf.
"Paco's such a Shia LeDouche sometimes."
"Fosho, dude. The other day he was following me around and making fun of five year-olds.
"What a Shia LeDouche!"
by Hank Kaplan May 25, 2008
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That feeling you get when you feel like you accomplished something important, but then soon realized you either didn't need to do it, or there was no result
You stab him in the kidney. You just killed the murderer Shia LaBeouf!
But wait he's not dead shia surprise! There's a gun to your head, and death in his eyes.
by i give up March 2, 2015
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The exact moment where you are taking a shit and you fart simultaneously.
I had some mean curry last night. Do you have a toilet brush? Because that toilet needs a serious scrub after my messy Shia Labeouf
by tzchworbus February 26, 2014
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Shia Labeouf is an american actor sexually affiliated with actor/comdeian Andy Samberg. The two have had an ongoing relationship since April 2007 when they met when Shia hosted SNL.While neither claims to be 100% gay, they claim to be in love. "We have wild and crazy sex!" confirms the boys.Shia and Andy are also known for having threesomes with a "thirs partner"
"Did you hear about those boys at the party?"
"Oh yeah I hear the went totally Shia Labeouf- Andy samebrg!
"Yep, they had wild and crazy guy sex!"
by the third partner March 20, 2009
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A Hollywood star, has legendary fights on normal Tuesday nights, is an actual cannibal and has a weird ass ponytail
Gareth: dude did you hear about bill
Bendy Wendy: yeah him and ted are gonna have a massive Shia LaBeouf outside Spar
by GalarCheesepuff April 9, 2020
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