The coolest guy ever that looks exactly like Simon from Alvin and the chipmunks. Santiago is perfect and has 0 flaws, smartest person ever. Pretty sure people with the name Santiago love strawberries.
"I know, he's so perfect. He loves strawberries" - Jeanette
by pennyqueen101 November 9, 2022
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Santiago is really nice lol
how wow that guy is really nice! He must be a Santiago!
by nobody20072023 March 9, 2021
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A person who loves his friends and will do anything for them. Falls in love easily and is also rejected often. Deserves all the love in the world. Is also boy crazy.
Gracie: Santiago, what are you doing
Santiago: I’m texting Alexei to see if she’s ok
by Scythe Mercury April 28, 2019
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He has a million friends even though he might feel like he only has a couple. He is usually very funny and outgoing, when he is quiet you should probably check up on him because something is wrong. Whenever you are having a bad day he is there to cheer you up. He is nice to everyone, but when he likes a girl he will be nicest to her.
Anyone is lucky to have a Santiago in their life
by nobody20072023 April 27, 2021
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Term meaning to run away or to get away from a dangerous situation
O shit thats yur man Santiago burn mi name in rubber bitch im gone!
by dylan Chris and chaz January 2, 2009
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A hispanic name meaning Saint Thiago in mixed form: San = saint ; Tiago = thiago
Santiago joined the marines and failed to pass boot camp
by Josephhh880055 April 22, 2006
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