A meme started years ago. 2015-2016
Tim: Im gay
Kevin: I'm bi
Jerry: I'm les
Tyrone: I'm just a nigga with a rocket launcher
by BDSpeedGang March 1, 2017
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1. A person playing a game such as Halo or Resistance, and then using the rocket launcher multiple times, in cheap manner to get easy kills

1. Hey this noob is such Rocket Launcher Fucker. RLF
by Diblous January 22, 2007
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Japanese Person: LOOK ITS GOZILLA!
white Guy(AKA Killjoy):No, it seems to be an army Shiny Flying Velociraptors armed with rocket launchers
Japanese Person: GODZILLA!
white guy: Facepalm...sigh
by Twss Facepalm December 18, 2010
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The act of using a pool pump jet or a leafblower with the flow of air or water directed into your anus in order to propel yourself whilst also providing pleasure.
Did you see Megan rocket launchering in the pool today? She must have shot 10 feet forward at least!
by BobRoss567823 June 24, 2024
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When a woman, preferably Somali, gets several banannas launched up her vagina by a Somali man holding a pressurised cannon of some sorts
Woman 1: "Get up to anything on the weekend?"

Woman 2: "Yeah, Yusuf 'Somali Rocket Launcher'd' me, my snatch smells like bananna bread"
by cockandballsraper69 July 1, 2024
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An Iraqi rocket launcher is when you cum in your hand then load up and chuck that shit out of at least a 2nd story window down on a public road/street hoping to hit someone.
I might do an Iraqi rocket launcher later.
by Big Wienie June 12, 2024
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