Irrelevant, pieces of trash, Not important, Arrogant AF and most likely calls others roaches.
by Cook June 6, 2015
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Ass End Of A Joint Or Blunt To Small To Hold On To Without Getting Burnt
Hey Man Grab The Roach Clips Im Buring My Fucking Fingers
by Toxic Klown July 11, 2008
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Roach pronounced (rōch)- A dirty looking female. Most often bred in strip clubs or bars on the south shore on Long Island, New York. You can often spot them by looking for the following characteristics:

Dirty Pedicures
Long nails with designs
Flat footware (ie flip flops or sandals)
Thin bleach blonde hair
Tattoo on lower back
Drinking alcoholic beverages out of the bottle
Orange color skin complextion
wow that girl last night was a real roach
by ajm2009 September 26, 2010
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A large bug that is so ugly you could vomit. Also looks like Wade Robson, Dan Reed, and James Safechuck.
Ewww that roach is on the floor! Kill it!
by Michael Jackson’s wifey November 12, 2019
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A roach is the reminisce of a smoked joint. Once a J becomes the roach it can become very difficult to hit and it is best to usually give it to the "roach master"

A roach master is someone who can hit the roach no matter how small it gets and commonly sells cigarettes for a dollar.
Parker: "dude i don't think this joint is lit anymore, its the roach"

Lev: "dude give it to the roach master!"
by voornmaster February 25, 2011
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The literal best insult to mentally destroy someone that is a complete bully.
Person A: You are so ugly and nobody likes you.

Person B: That’s not very nice of you. Don’t be a roach.
by ColdBowlOfSoup May 26, 2022
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When a Person is Fucked Up nd is doing something stupid that it makes people or others laugh or join
1) Thanking You the Homie is Roaching It xD 2) Imma Just Roach it Tonight <3x) 3) Look hes Roaching it xO
by Roach626 May 10, 2011
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