a trend on tiktok that has peppa pig in different places
by Commiiee September 1, 2019
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Another word for a grotesque girl. Basically it is the ugliest girl you have ever seen. "Peppa" girls might include: fat girls, messed up teeth girls, pimples/acne or all of the above.
yo man i was walking down the street and i saw a peppa girl!
by sudafedmuffins April 18, 2009
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Another word for the club drug Ecstasy. Term is specifically used by members of the DeJesus syndicate in Brooklyn and other Dominicans throughout the greater NYC and Miami areas.
:Yo Junior you got any peppas?
by dmo86 April 2, 2011
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To want something, but making your friends get it for you.
Friend 1: (eating at a fast-food place) "Peppa-refill!"
Friend 2: (Who now had to go get it) "Fuck you!"
Friend 1: (Now Pissed because friend 2 is a Faggot!) "Peppa my fist in ur face!"

**Once peppa is called someone has to get what was peppa'd
by FlammingPenguin13 January 13, 2010
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Probably the most autistic kid on the internet.
Peppa is retarded.
by Beefstew2020 November 21, 2020
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Physical description: A tall ass pig who is 7”1 and when she jumps on muddy puddles *ground shakes* as she creates an earthquake 6.9420 on the Richter scale

Hobbies: Enjoys smoking weed all day and no-scoping in C-ops
Suzy Sheep: WHY iS thE grOuNd ShaKiNg

Zoey Zebra: Peppa pig’s family is NoW jumping on deez muddy poodles
by - Bully Maguire Pizza Time December 10, 2021
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Peppa Pig is a cartoon character who is a pig and lives in a family. Somehow, when her father snorts, he creates a 7.5 on the Richter scale, and her brother is almost the equivalent of calliou but not as annoying and bratty. Peppa's freinds don't seem to show any liking towards her, and will probably betray her in high school (if she ever grows up).
Person 1: Hey look! It's a pig!
Person 2: That's Peppa Pigs father! Oh god why is the ground shaking?!
by A Generic Video Game NPC November 29, 2018
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