Make a suicide rush into a mass of enemies as a distraction (mostly used in online games ex. Halo 2)
I'm gonna take one for the team, guys!
by Fuzzz April 8, 2005
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A Korean martial art with an emphasis on kicks. There are several miss-spellings including 'Tae Kwon Do', 'Taekwondo' or 'Taekwon-Do'.

Take= Means to collect
Ones= A person or individuals

Dough= Money
Person 1: "I know a guy that is a black belt in Take-Ones-Dough he also teaches it"

Person 2: "Well he must be good at it then"
by tak_tak November 1, 2021
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Essentially getting with the most hideous out of a group of potential mates. Typically used in male circles about women, calling this individual the grenade. Doing this would allow for friends to get some.
by CaptainKekon August 13, 2018
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1)v phrase. the act of agreeing to otherwise non-consensual sex for the advancement of sexual relations in one's party
1) "Alright guys, I guess I'll take one for the team this time."
by Jack B. Nimble December 17, 2002
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1) When the spouse (y) of person (x) has sex with the person (x) so as to improve the overall demeanor and attitude of said person (x)


2) The brave act of one person buying a Woot Killer item so as to advance the Woot off for the benefit of others
1) "Wow, that lawyer Terri is being such a beotch! We should call her husband and tell him to take one for the team!"

2) "Oh crap! It's another Roomba on Woot! Somebody take one for the team and get rid of it!"
by Jessica Crisler January 25, 2008
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This is the female version of take one for the team...

when a group of girls all aim to have sex with a group of hot guys
Becca are you taking one for the team?
Oh ayeee Robyn im going to take one for the team!!
by sexxxxxyy123 August 3, 2009
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