An (in)famous ex-football player who was found not guilty for killing his wife and her young boyfriend.
Look at it this way: Say you and your wife are having problems and you get separated. She starts screwing a young waiter, everyone knows, the guy starts thinking he's hot shit, and then you repeatedly see this dude driving around town in the Ferrari YOU are paying the car note on. I'm not saying OJ Simpson was right - but I understand.
by bigtones June 25, 2007
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A very honorable man who said the world inspiring quote ''the glove don't fit'' therefore he is not guilty while doing the oj effect ontop of the german bedframe
toch me harder oj simpson
by oj is bae August 28, 2015
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The only man in the world who can kick Chuck Norris's ass.
OJ Simpson made Chuck Norris cry by kicking him in the face.
by cclark October 4, 2007
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1. God.
2. Also known as Jesus Christ in 34 states and Puerto Rico
Oj simpson didn't pullnotriggazmaniggaz
by brent harrison bitchez September 25, 2007
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when most people watching the news know a perpetrator is guilty however the jury didn't complete high school or choose to ignore obvious evidence and find him or her not guilty. this usually happens in murder cases
the two most well known people to experience the OJ Simpson effect are OJ Simpson himself and Casey Anthony
by ian223 July 6, 2011
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In order to perform the OJ Simpson you must first purchase some extra small gloves. Then you need kill your girlfriend. After that once your in court you must fuck every one of your dead girlfriends family members.
Guy: Yo I just OJ Simpsoned the fuck out of my girlfriend. You know the OJ Simpson
His friend: No way that’s so cool.
by IEatCat420 March 8, 2019
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