To suddenly and uncontrollably fall into deep sleep. Typically in the form of a full night's rest or extended nap. Derivative of the word "narcoleptic," but not actually associated with it.
"Sorry I narced out last night in the middle of the movie; I really wanted to watch it with you."
by Jon Hoffman July 6, 2006
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1) A snitch, narcotics officer, popo, or fucking pussy.
Matt is such a narc.
by cridizzleforizzle May 29, 2006
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1. Someone who rats another out, usually regarding illegal activity.

2. A person who sleeps alot. Thus they are jokingly called "narc", short for narcoleptic: a person with the disease of narcolepsy, who as a result does not have proper control over sleeping/wakefulness.
A: "Yo, B!"
B: "zzzzzzZZZZZzzzz"
A: "...B's a fucking narc."
C: "true."
by Leilani_h June 4, 2005
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Someone who is aware of how narcissistic they are and uses it to their advantage for personal gains
He's such a narc -- always complimenting himself on his looks and abusing it to get out of parking tickets.
by peachiefine April 14, 2013
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1. A person who turns another person in for doing something wrong.

2. Those people in their early twenties who work on school campuses and whose only purpose is to inform teachers when students have done something wrong. They are usually seen riding golf-carts, staring off into space, chatting it up on walking-talkies,and generally acting as if they have something important and relevent that they are doing when, in fact, they are completely useless.
1. Man, my sister is such a narc, she told our parents I snuck out of the house last night.

2. The stupid Narc almost ran me off the sidewalk and then had the nerve to yell at me because I was on the grass!
by Hallucination-Walker July 6, 2006
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A great arcade game which involved killing everything in sight. I think it might have had something to do with drugs. Also, the Pixies covered the theme song.
"My parents feared for my future because I thought running down crackheads with a corvette was fun."
by montez June 27, 2003
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Another name for Big D, which is another name for Matthew.
Person: "I think Big D bugged my house."
Other person: "What a narc."
by Brutus Max October 5, 2016
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