1. The condinsation (sweat) between a females cleavage.
Hannah: Wow it's really hot out here!
Emily: yeah! I totally got some Mountain dew goin' on!
by Sugartits28 October 17, 2010
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Many people think that man made mountain dew, what they don't realize is mountain dew made man.
I just drank a mountain dew...I think I just ejaculated in my pants.
by Matt111 January 6, 2008
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A faboulus tasting soft drink made by Pepsi. Bold in flavor and amzing green color, really if you want the easist definition its simply, "The Nector of the Gods" (plus its endorsed by Chuck Norris so its automatically BAMF) Drink up!!!!
The only soft drink you will ever need is Mountain Dew.
by Kurtifer StClair September 20, 2007
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Basically liquid crack in short terms.
Remedy for late studying nights.
Guy #1 Dude lets get some liquid crack!
Guy #2 Oooh what's that?
Guy #1 Mountain Dew of course!
by qwertydude May 19, 2007
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mountain dew = mount-and-do

term in which a bitch must mount a REAL man's dick and pretty much fuck him like theres no tomorrow
by Retrosolja May 28, 2008
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Basically a caffenated version of 7Up mixed with lemonade. Contrary to popular belief, Yellow 5 (the dye used to color the soda yellow) does not make your testicles shrink, but it does slightly lower your sperm count for about an hour or two after drinking.
Brittany wouldn't shut up about how her boyfriend was using Mountain Dew as a form of birth control. Now she's a 14-year-old mother.
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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