when a female squirts/ejaculates, and the male catches it in his mouth and spits it back to the woman's mouth. #79
Male: can we Lolo
Female: only if you can make me squirt
Male: that's just the easy part
by LoloCreator April 1, 2018
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Like lol but with more effect.

Can be combined with other words.
by rent_head April 14, 2010
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Jk it means crazy, people nicknamed lol are fun to be around and are nothing but heart. But are recluse with there one life like to do thing normal people call dangerous.

For example my budy Logan H his nickname is lolo and he thinks is fun do crazy stuff like car surf well we are night driving. PS he has been doing that for as long as I can remember.
Lolo is like your bother with balls bigger then you
by JamesC((0)) April 28, 2020
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She is a girl who has problems. She also has some friends. And she has a bunch of boys liking her.
Makhi: Hey Lolo wanna hang with me tonight.
Lolo: Sure, I would love to.
by Kawaii_101 November 26, 2016
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one of my great friends name :)
lolo rocks \m/
" LOLO ROCKS! don't deny it!"
by halo from a pixie April 5, 2005
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Lolo means to pamper or pet in the Ibani language of the Kingdom of Bonny in Rivers State, Nigeria, West Africa.
Pamper your child: lolo your child
by Lolo August 1, 2004
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