A person that thinks computers are limited to games. Often refers to himself as a "gamer"
Man, those lamers have been playing counterstrike all night.
by crom July 5, 2003
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An exceedingly lame person who turns out to be more lame then they originally appeared.
The man is not just a pedifile, but he is a necro-pedifile! What a lamer!
by Pirate King Maximus April 27, 2004
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one who can't spell
one who says something like U fukin nub adss
one who finds it easy use profanity
45 year old everquest players who live with their parents
Gamerx: This game sux
Party Host: so leave
Gamerx: no way nub ass
Party Host: ok...
Gamerx: fuck u noob ass
Party Host: great a lamer
by Alex the gnome January 31, 2006
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Generally used in RPGs or Roleplays, a Lamer is somebody out to ruin ones fun.
"What a lamer. He keeps PKing me."
"This noob is messing up our RP on purpose, what a Lamer.."
by Lazarus Shadow April 8, 2008
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usually used in online games (like starcraft) it indicates a person who plays with the only goal of annoying his opponent, making him loosing concentration and often the game too
that lamer built a pylon between my buildings so i couldn't close me up then he started attacking me with drones
by chobochobo April 30, 2006
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A person that kills while a person is chatting or kills without honor in certain duel based games.
1: OMGZ!!!!!!!!!! that Noob just noobzed me while i was chatting!
2:omg! he's just a lamer....
by Bob the 3rd September 4, 2007
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A word used by computer geeks to make themselves feel superior while putting someone else down. Lamer usually means "Yea I can blow up your computer and get to level 10 on star wars the video game, but I have no life and I'm still a virgin."
Oh my god, you don't know how to format a d666g4jlan.cock.pussy.modem modelX computer, you are such a lamer.
by J January 24, 2004
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