1. See "Künk"
1 See above, whats this example is too short business (insert random space wasting text)
by Kraut May 31, 2004
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An object possessing thick and mushy physical characteristics.
The peice of shit on his shoe was kunky.
by Josh December 3, 2004
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A pejorative label for Korean people
I went into this Chinese restaurant to get some authentic food, but it was run by kunks!
by poopbot February 29, 2008
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Verb: to crash or break something with a noise, crash, gurgling or mechanical sound, or thud. To wreck or junk something, perhaps an old automobile called a 'clunker'. To hit someone or something, producing a thud sound.
STP kunked-out my engine.
That boy tried to grab my pepper-grinder, so I kunked him over the head with it.
by lovescalifornia July 16, 2009
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When your girl fingers her kunk filled pussy and swipes the discharge on your lips. Mustache swipes cause a lingering impact.
Rachel got pissed at me last night cause I wouldn't give her the D with her yeast infection so she kunk swiped me. I can't get the smell off.
by Eaton Holgoode March 23, 2017
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Someone who you really don’t fucking like, someone who’s a huge cockmuching fuck. Not a friendly or endearing word
Scott Morrison is a massive kunk

You. You are a kunk
by Hyqxi_Riley January 5, 2020
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A person with lack of intelligence, a lack of education, a person who steals memes, a person who has an interest in a flat booty from a male gender with tiny genitals and someone who spend money on wellfare instead of child support.
You fucking kunk, you stole my meme!!
by CORISMO September 21, 2017
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