A bruise or rough spot on the left side of one's neck that is formed from the extensive use of a violin or viola.
Gio: Thomas has a hickey!
Thomas: I got it from playing the violin too much.
by Violinist258 March 22, 2009
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The bruising after thyroid nodule biopsy
"It looks like a hickey but sure was less fun when it got created: the bruise from the biopsy on my thyroid gland."
by proton99 July 31, 2009
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A red mark on your (most preferably) skin that was formed after someone sucked your blood through your skin.

They say it's a mark of love (or lust, whichever you prefer) and mostly, possessive people do this to their (most preferably) partners in love (or lust).
Luke just placed a hickey on Leah after they had sex.
by Arson Calamari July 31, 2008
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very stupid way of saying 'love bite'
No Example Here . Just saying if you know what a love bite is, it sounds less stupid if you say 'love bite'.
by BadLieutenant September 12, 2004
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a slut stamp on the neck caused by someone sucking on another's neck too forcefully
"She came home with a hickey last night"

"What a slut"
by bellatrix vixen February 7, 2010
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white trash love bites. just about the trashiest accessory a female could possibly wear.
p: did you see that hickey on Gina's neck?
m: yeah, but what do you expect? she lives in Maple Shade!
by lk March 24, 2005
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1.)the singer Toya's way of sayin MOney
2.) a mark left on the neck or any other body part from excessive, but pleasureful kissing.
1. "..he had a hickey in his pocket, big fat rock in his ear..." I do, Toya
2. PJ almost left a hickey on my neck, but we got in trouble.
by EvlBloodyMary April 1, 2003
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